Logo Franzen Feuerschutztüren
Franzen Feuerschutztüren GmbH
Gerhard-Welter-Str. 7
D-41812 Erkelenz

phone +49 (0) 2431-80070

Get in contact with Franzen

Franzen Feuerschutztüren GmbH

Gerhard-Welter-Str. 7
41812 Erkelenz
phone +49 (0) 2431 / 80070
Telefax: +49 (0) 2431 / 74384

Your contact person at Franzen

If you have questions regarding our doors and gates, we are happy to help you. Contact the relevant contact person by one of the following ways.

Find your way to Franzen

Simply use the navigation function of your smartphone to plan your route to Franzen. Please see the following links: